Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cheap and Cheaper

These days things have really started to go off the deep end. Couples come to meet with you wasting your day when You could be watching HBO, spouting off about what a wonderful guy their friends told them you were, not to mention all the AAHHH-MAZE-ing photos their seen in the walls of pals and pages of Facebook. But then the reality monster sets in, there eyes chalk over like a monster in a Hammer film from the 60's, and they look like they took a hit off a crack pipe when you discus your pricing options (or "Investment" if you want to be a fucking prick-tool and sound all pretentious, like they money they give you will go to feed wild pigeons in the Mississippi Delta, rather than pay your Macy's CC bill) These motherfuckers just sucked 90 minutes of my life verbally stroking my penis to only THEN slam me with the 'what can you do about the price' bombshell. I'll tell you what I can do for you: NOTHING, you stingy prick-hole!! I've got staff to pay, taxes to try and catch up on, household expenses, a car thats on its last leg---need I go on? So unless you grab my cock REALLY hard and keep jerking me off until i plop my hot load on your fiancees 'wedding planning binder' - you can take a fucking hike, No-Deal, Discount Boy.

I'm tired of it. TIRED. So very, very sour and tired. I'm tired of it nearly always being the same story we must repeat over and over. It never gets easier. When do I sit back and enjoy all of this? EVER?! Defending ourselves to the same questions about problems some OTHER idiots perpetrated on THEIR clients, to which WE now must defend and promise will never happen again. Once upon a time I believed that work gradually grows and changes and gets better. Jobs come in more easily. Your reputations follows suit. You are hired for expertise and knowledge. You finally get away from answering the basics you've answered the last 25 years. I can relax and rest on my laurels. and peoples past experience making my job easier. I would NOT have to spend each 'mis-season' wondering if I would ever fucking work again You've 'made it'!

What an asshole I am.

It only gets worse. Those cunty brides are fickle. The even CUNTIER bridal magazines cram their skulls full of unattainable wedding-dreams which makes our job more , rather than less difficult. And the more semi-part-time-weekend mommie newbies there are; baby sucking on a tit in one arm, Canon RebelX-p1 Deluxe with F2.5-5.6 Kit Lens in the other,  out there shooting any shit that moves or looks Pinteresty, the more deadly the scenario becomes.

But the clients are not much better. Recently on facebook, a gal posted that her client was PISSED she couldn't get her in for the family session she hoped for, as she NEEDED the photos and had a gift certificate. The photographer says, "i'm taking time of." To which the custoCUNT says, "You're taking a vacation NOW?? Why not wait until after the holidays??!" SO as if thats not bad enough, she finally reveals she's not 'vacationing' and luxuriating on a fucking beach, but having surgery. The douche-nozzle replies, "Well is it SERIOUS, can it WAIT?!"
I TOLD HER TO REFUND THE WHORES MONEY AND TELL THAT TWAT-BALL TO GO TO HELL. WHAT DISGUSTING NERVE! What pack of wolves raised someone that ignorant and uncaring about someone having fucking surgery to even THINK those thoughts?! Maybe she can shoot from the ICU unit if they're lucky. Do a whole tropical take on "The Descendants" and hope she dies for extra drama while George Clooney sits there weeping?

I dont know - it happens each and every year around the holiday - everyone goes insane...and maybe the thought of handling it again is wearing me down. But you gotta watch your step photo consumers  -- keep pissing us all off and we will all retire at once and you'll be stuck with little 5 year old Patty and her Fisher-Price point and shoot---which you know, you probably would think looked fairly good after you had your shitty CVS prints made.

So why am I even bothering?....this little bitch has it all figured out already---and looks a lot happier than we do doing it with the way things are going.

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