Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's 9-11!!! Can I have a discount, please?

Yeah I'll say it -
there are brides who book their wedding on 9-11 and think they are entitled to a fucking discount. As one photographer told me, it was suggested that "…due to what happened that day," that she was entitled to a break in the cost.

I am appalled. Like--nauseous appalled.

Any bride who freely chooses that day and then expects a discount, is a fucking hillbilly trash-cunt whore, who deserves to drop dead that day right on the altar. How DARE you choose a day that day which is so raw--so fresh ... such an open wound for the ENTIRE country and then try and milk it for a deal. Have you no dignity, sitting home in your pajama-jeans planning your ass-wipe, discount based wedding? What kind of low-life would do that? Do you think you really are that important because you chose some matching poly-blend table linens and ordered a dry wedding cake that no one will remember, after they gag on it and chase it with warm coffee while they all stare bewildered at your cheapo Christmas Tree Shop 'gift' they all received at their place setting?

You wanna choose that day- fine. No problem. ASK FOR A BREAK however…NOT SO FINE. I cannot wrap my head around that concept. Oh wait: because YOUR wedding is the most important of them all, and people jumped to their deaths and 2000+ people DIED you should get a price break.

Are you totally mental? You have 52 weeks in the year, with 2 days in each weekend. How about you pick on of the OTHER 103 dates that happen to not fall on a national tragedy to have your special, stupid muthafucking day. You are not that special, really.

There are days like this, where I would like to get on a spaceship and leave this planet for good.

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